Sunday, 22 November 2015

Discarding old baggage ...

The Discarded Bag

Do you have one of these?  
A bag, perhaps a work bag like this one that once had a useful purpose … that you carefully chose to be just the right size, the right texture and feel, with useful sections and purpose-fit pockets for all your essential personal items like 2 x phones, travel size tissues, lipstick, pens and business cards … and of course, it had to be in your signature colour and style.

Yes, a lot of thought goes into choosing a bag like this; it’s a statement bag. It’s a style piece that says a lot, without speaking a word … part of that visual message that others pick up within 7 seconds of you walking into a room, confidently carrying it. 

And yet, as I unpacked the final box from our spare room last week, after moving to Far North Queensland six months ago, this was a ‘find’ I was really not expecting.   You see, I didn’t realize that I still had this bag … literally discarded since 2012, somewhere in the back corner of a spare wardrobe … ignored and forgotten.

As I picked it up and wiped off the exterior dust, I noticed that it was quite heavy and it still had stuff inside it, so I opened it with curiosity.  Strangely, it felt like I was opening someone else’s bag from a past era.

Pulling the items out from inside it, I smiled broadly as I realised I no longer had any personal connection with any of it.  There were:
  •   Pens … that no longer worked
  •   Notepad … full of irrelevant meeting notes
  •  Tax Return documents … from a past era
  •   Numerous receipts … from coffee and lunch meetings dated 2009-11
  •   A snaplock bag … with a few very stale almonds in it – yuk!
  •  Travel size wet-ones … no longer wet
  •  Travel size tissues … squashed beyond recognition
  •  Travel size box of tampons - ha! No need for those since a 2011 procedure ;)
  •   A lipstick in the ugliest colour brown … what was I thinking?
  •  Several rusty safety pins, and an old tarnished silver toe-ring
Oh, one more thing … a laminated government ‘Inspectors Identity Card’ from 2007, that probably should have been handed back when I closed that door behind me in 2012. This was the one item that made me realise why this bag had been discarded … never opened, never cleaned out, and never used again. You see, this was my work bag of a past life … a chapter that I chose to finish in 2012 when the role no longer matched my values … a page I was happy to turn over and have never really felt the need to re-read it.

The only reason I still had this bag is that the packers had boxed it up from its dark cupboard corner and my wonderfully efficient partner had thrown it back onto high shelves [I’m a tad height challenged], in our previous short-term abodes over the past 3 years.

So why the share? 
It’s interesting [and absolutely wonderful] how quickly we can move on, and how much we can change … to the point where there is no connection felt whatsoever to the past; like all that belonged to someone else … a different person. 

As lovely, expensive, and useful as this bag could be, I had no interest in holding on to it, so I binned all the contents and took it to the local charity shop, without any hesitation and absolutely no pangs of regret. 

For me, this bag simply represented a chapter from which I have moved on from, and as a person who sees no reason to look back … feels no value in re-visiting the past … dislikes clutter [unless it’s on my busy desk], and discards useless crap on a regular basis [charity shops love me]; I actually felt rather annoyed that I still had it! 

On reflection, out of all the bits and bobs we’ve discarded in last week’s unpack completion exercise, de-owning this bag and also de-owning several evening gowns that were worn at past government events, was the most exhilarating and cleansing experience … like a feeling of lightness, more space;  less pretentiousness, more present-ness,  and more purposeful living – in line with my personal values.

Sure … our values do change over the years; mine certainly have and I’m very grateful for that. It’s called experience, learning, and embracing continual personal growth … not being stuck in a rut … not accepting an average, ordinary life when you can choose to have an awesome one!  Isn't that something you'd like to choose too?

My challenge to you …
As we approach the New Year celebrations, what will you choose to discard, de-own, detox from your congested life … so that you can feel refreshed, spacious and open; ready to take a chance on new things that 2016 flings your way?

What are you still hanging on to? … consider what feelings you are attaching to that. Is all that stuff getting you closer to where you want to be? ... or holding you back?

Perhaps, like me, you may not even be consciously aware of the extra, unnecessary crap that’s tucked away … take the time to review your surroundings and get rid of stuff that you no longer value.

Ask yourself … “for what purpose am I needing to hold on to this?” … Then question yourself again, “Really?”

Ironically, 2012 was also when I got my favourite saying tattoo on my back, at the base of my neck … depicting a new sunrise over the waves with the words ‘Never Look Back’.  Hardly surprizing for those who know me well … as a Change Champion with an enthusiastic ‘what’s next’ attitude.  That old bag and those evening dresses definitely did not fit with ‘what’s next’ … they were ‘what’s past’ items. 

So go on ... perhaps it's time to discard YOUR old baggage. 

Embrace change … turn the pages over from the previous chapters … allow yourself to feel the excitement of a new opportunities and new adventures. 

Until next time,
Choices, Chances, Changes abound ...

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


On the UPside …
Recently, I wrote about being aware of the CROCs. Well, despite what they say about increased numbers, I haven’t seen any four-legged reptile variety up here in the tropics yet;  nor have I met the two legged ones either … although I’m sure both are lurking somewhere in the shadows, so I remain acutely aware and ready for positive action. 

Speaking of positive action … I thought it timely to write again on my favourite topic - leadership. Those who know me, know I’m passionate about leadership development; in fact, truth is: ‘I live and breathe it … observe, speak and write about it … have based my accreditations, consulting and coaching business on it.

So WHY focus on leadership?  Because I strongly believe we need more leaders – REAL leaders made of the right stuff stepping up into leadership positions with the right intent and purpose … with personal integrity and drive to make a difference in their communities. 

We need leaders who are not afraid of change … leaders who do more than just ‘seat-warming duties’ … leaders who are not driven by self-interest, building their own ego, or fuelled by positional power. Those who stick their head in the sand, or hide in their office -sneaking in and out of back doors, or play divide and conquer games to ensure deals go their way … are not leaders, they are in fact – imposters; the wrong people sitting in positions that would be far better served by having REAL leaders in those chairs.

Frankly, the world is crying out for REAL leaders who are not afraid to dismantle the sacred and entrenched beliefs, which hold communities back as prisoners of the past. Is your community in urgent need of some REAL leadership injection?

What about those who ARE standing up for what is right; those few who are demonstrating strong, ethical leadership behaviours? It can be a lonely branch to walk along and to remain standing tall while others spray poison on the roots. As a community, are you getting behind the brave movers and shakers, the visionary ones, the pro-active leaders … and helping them to rid your community of the imposters – especially those self-interested, power trippers.

Yes - from personal observation across quite a number of communities, I do believe you have some of what I’m describing … and, yes - you can help to make the changes that are needed in your community.

How? For starters … stop accepting mediocrity or less than average behaviours from those sitting in leadership roles. Demand REAL leadership behaviour. Take the time to become more situationally aware of what is REALLY going on in your community. Not through town gossip or glossed-over communications … from the facts, the history, the outcomes, the observable behaviour that paints a really clear picture. 

You see, leadership is not a position … it is not a noun- it is a verb used to describe a set of attitudes, behaviour choices, observable actions and outcomes.
A good point to remember:  People can’t talk their way out of poor outcomes or problems, they behaved their way into.  Behaviours speak the loudest … and they own their behaviour choices.

I urge you to become more actively interested in what it takes to be a good leader.  Focus on the desirable leadership strengths, engaging behaviours, and good-for-the-greater-good thinking, you need in your community to move forward … onwards and upwards.

Perhaps take a leadership course … step up and take the opportunity to participate in community leadership programs.  Many of these programs are heavily funded by government backed agencies … for very good reason –

Choose to live life on the upside … it’s no good complaining about the status quo of leadership strength in your community, unless you are willing to be part of the solution. BE the change you want to see in others … or at least, actively support those who are standing out on that limb, trying to lead positive change.

PS: Follow this blog page to find out about new Leadership Development programs that will be rolling out soon ... much of the content will be online and very accessible. 

Jilinda Lee
Change Champion / Leadership Coach
[Also published in 'THE BRIDGE' Newspaper - 27 Aug 2015 edition]

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

MIND~BODY~SOUL ... Choices, Chances, Change

Change means establishing new routines … my new far north Queensland routine  includes - 5pm on a Monday, sitting up high on Grassy Hill, in Cooktown [when working from home office]… feeling grateful, peaceful, and thoughtful … with writing journal open and words flowing from my mind to paper.

I believe that really successful people are good thinkers … good thinkers solve problems, they are never short of great ideas, and they are always focused on continual learning and exploring to create a better future. Good thinkers are generally not good followers [hmmm, yeah I know!] … because they make their own decisions, and would not allow themselves to be at the mercy of those who may take advantage of them, or try to deceive them, or expect them to follow blindly [uninformed].  Good thinkers don’t accept mediocrity, same old approaches … they enjoy stretching their minds to find new solutions.  In short, cultivating good thinking is a core strength for living a successful life.

Becoming a good thinker is not difficult … it’s about having the discipline to design your life to schedule time-out for thinking … finding a space that allows you to de-clutter, away from the trivial day-to-day interruptions, and to focus on what’s important. Many great successful people schedule ‘thinking time’ [eg: Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, Anthony Robbins]. Mindfully focused … being intentionally present in that moment, purposeful thinking.

Take time out to enrich your MIND, BODY and SOUL … every week.

Clarity of the mind  … for me means time away from my whiteboard lists, computer screens, emails and messages … to enjoy the gentle ocean breezes and unobstructed views of lush rainforest covered mountains, blue ocean to the horizon, the last hour of late afternoon sunshine followed by peacefulness of the sunset as it slides down behind the mountain peaks.

Life seems so short now … I’ve learned that it’s so easy to let weeks, months, years slip by; without taking time to gain clarity, purpose and take control of your direction … your own journey.

Life is a journey … it’s important to enjoy the ride … every day.

Strengthen the body … well, my legs were certainly reminding me of how important it is to keep the body strong as I walked up the hill today [Yes, I did it!]. I eat healthy food, drink lots of water, and exercise daily … but I used to walk up a steep hill from my Capricorn Coast beach walk every day, up until a year ago. Oh boy! … clearly I need to conquer this big hill several times a week!  The view, the breezes, the peacefulness at the top is sooo worth it … and of course, my improved body fitness.

I also enjoy doing Yoga stretches as part of my morning walks … facing the water, breathing in energy from the wind. I just zone out and don’t care if others are watching or what they think; it is a great way to start the energy flow.

Enriching the soul … listen to your inner voice. Sure, I know you can work really hard to constantly turn negative, low energy vibes into positive ‘look on the bright side’ personal survival thinking … you know – making the most of a less than optimal situation. I’ve been there, done that … and I wasted many of my younger years trying to fix things that simply were not a good fit. Great learning to share – It’s far better to move to where you connect, where the energy flows, where you can design your life to achieve your dreams.

Life is not meant to be such hard work and it’s not - when you are passionate about what you do, love where you are, and carefully choose who you surround yourself with.

What’s the point of banging your head against a brick wall?…

I have met many women and some men, who WANT to change their current situation but are afraid … those three core fears that stop so many of us from moving forward:
~ fear of the unknown
~ fear of failure
~ fear of not being good enough [or deserving of better]
These fears cripple people from even exploring better options and seeing the choices out there … BUT, you can learn to smash these fears and take control of your life.

Sure, I’ve made many changes in my life. I’ve learned to embrace change and to keep my focus on moving onwards and upwards; so it may appear to some that I turn the page to start a new chapter fairly quickly and easily. True … once I’ve made the decision to change, I just do it – action it, move on; however, that’s not to say that change is EASY!  The hardest part is the initial realisation that in order to keep growing, you have to let go … and keep on going.  I have found this quote to be so true:

“The hardest part about letting go is finally realising that there wasn’t much left to hold on to” [unknown]

To those of you at the crossroads of change, EMBRACE IT.  Take time out to think through your options … yes, there are always choices. Then I encourage you to take the leap … all the magic happens when you move to be in the right place ... find a space where you can focus on what your mind, body and soul needs to strengthen and build, supported by people who can help lift you higher. You don’t need to have it all figured out to move forward … just take the first step.

My passion is to share these thoughts, in this beautiful environment, with other women who need time-out for mindful reflection, time to refresh their bodies, and renew their energy and flow for the journey ahead.
Stay tuned … I’m currently exploring the region for the right venue to hold an ElevateHER Womens Retreat  in far north Queensland. 

If you’d like to be on my ElevateHER emailing list … please email your details to and add ElevateHER Womens Retreat to the subject line.

Until next time,
Take some time to practice mindful thinking … J

Jilinda Lee

Change Champion Coach

Monday, 15 June 2015


Living life on the Upside …

Literally, I am … sitting high up on Grassy Hill, Cooktown in Far North Queensland; feeling the strength of the wind, energy of the water below, and warmth of the late arvo sun setting after refreshing rain.  Sounds ideal? Sounds like a great place for positive thinking … simply walking around with that oblivious smile and a lay-back ‘she’ll be right’ attitude?  Yeah … pretty much … except for the CROCs!!

Up here, it pays to be very aware, to be diligent, and make good decisions regarding CROC territory.  Cooktown is built around the mouth of the Endeavour River, fringed by mangroves, well inhabited by CROCs. A good dose of situational awareness and a regular reality check is crucial, when planning outdoor activities near water ways, creeks and ocean bays. 

So, while I was thinking about dealing with CROCs, it hit me that it’s no big deal … I’ve dealt with CROCs before; quite recently in fact. Dealing with them is just a reality check of options:  
  • Some things you can change; 
  • Some things you can ignore or work around; and 
  • Sometimes you just need to make wise alternative choices and take a different track.
You see … CROCs are everywhere. The four legged reptiles with their territorial prowling and jaws of death grip, and the two legged human variety with interestingly – such similarity.  How so? … well:

1. You can’t change CROCs behaviour; it's entrenched survival tactics that serve him well … he has no will or need to change. It’s not wise to try to befriend them, or think you could ever trust them. They will always be aggressive, territorial creatures who don’t give a hoot about your values, your goals or your feelings.  Yes, there are people like that too – Mr CROCs with entrenched bully-boy behaviours that rule by control, threats, and revel in belittling others to stamp their own positional power. While he could choose to change his behaviour, he has no will to change that which continues to fuel his own ego.

2. CROCs choose to live in remote, less populated areas; in mangroves and swamps, lurking in shadows, just under the waterline; anywhere relatively hidden and out of hunters sights. As a protective species, they have enjoyed growth in numbers and size in these parts.  Interestingly, I’ve noticed that human Mr CROCs survival and accelerated career progression also often occurs in more remote, less populated areas;  away from higher expectations and robust performance reviews; where they seemingly can get away with being king of their county despite their undesirable behaviour.

3. Sometimes CROCs become a real nuisance; ruthlessly aggressive, bumping against small boats, hanging around others jetties, and over- exerting their territorial powers. Yeah, you got it … just like some human Mr CROCs too; this problem negatively impacts on community well-being, attractiveness, growth, general living standards, and the overall attitude or culture of the community or organisation.

The solution for reptiles like this is to remove them; capture and move them away from the area. Repeat offenders are culled.  So, what I don’t understand is why the solution is not as simple for human Mr CROCs!  
~ Why do some communities and organisations put up with unacceptable, predatory, power driven behaviour for so long; seemingly powerless to make the decision to just remove the problem(s)?
~ How many people must it negatively impact before action is taken? 
~ How many times should Mr CROC get away with aggressive bullying behaviour, in how many regional swamps, before a more permanent decision is implemented?

Choosing to live on the upside … is not about putting a fake smile on your face as you slide into the murky water, thinking positively, sucking it up and hoping for the best!  Sometimes you need to step up onto higher ground, take a stand for what’s right, and make decisions that are good for the greater good.

If you have a Mr CROC, I urge you to DECIDE->COMMIT->ACTION the change that’s needed for your own survival, and that of your community.

Choose to live life on the upside … the higher moral ground; where the wind fuels your strength, energy and momentum … well away from the murky water lurkers.   

Jilinda Lee
Change Champion Coach
[Published in 'THE BRIDGE' Newspaper - 25 June 2015]

Friday, 29 May 2015


On the Upside?…

Yes, there always is an UPSIDE, although I’m intrigued [sometimes frustrated] that so many people seem to really need help to find it, focus on it, and foster it.  My hope is these writings help to provide some insight on what it takes to paddle upwards, rather than merely floating along in the downstream. Why choose to live average, ordinary lives … why choose to accept mediocre momentum, or unacceptable, even unethical behaviour from others?

Sure, each of us has our own map of the world we live in. My reality is based on the sum total of MY experiences, MY set of values, MY judgements, MY thoughts and ideas; maybe quite different I suspect from YOUR experiences, YOUR values and the story you take from those. That’s ok. The point is that each of us creates those stories – our own unique reality; so if you made up your reality as you see it today, that means you can just as easily create a new reality if you want to. How?

Did you know that we have around 2 million bits of info coming at us every second, yet we can only process 132 bits, or approximately 7 chunks of information at any one time? This means that we are constantly deleting, distorting and generalising this info; choosing what is relevant and what’s not, so we can make sense of our world. So, what we allow in and what we leave out creates the story we choose to make up as ‘our reality’; most of this happening at a subconscious level.

Maybe it’s time to ask yourself if what you’re leaving out, changing and generalising about, is working for you. How’s your reality map of the world? What important truths are you choosing to filter out?  Are you waiting for the good part to start? Are you allowing others to manipulate your reality?

Imagine if … you stopped waiting for someone else to add the good stuff; stopped pointing the blame fingers at others; stopped expecting to wake up tomorrow to a miraculously new and better world, community, council, street, house, job, relationship, body, or bank account.

You see ... life doesn’t come with a remote … you have to get up off your arse and change it yourself. If you are not happy with how things are and the negative results that causes, it’s up to YOU to drive those changes.

Imagine ifyou decided to simply do that; just wake up one day and decide to shake off the crap that drags you down, so you never feel like that again. Choose to take a positive proactive approach, to explore alternative options, to value yourself enough to know you deserve better, and to go out and actively drive change. BE the change you want to see and have in your lives, and in your community.

Well you CAN do that TODAY … yep, just like that. Every day is a new beginning full of opportunities far greater than what you will find sitting in your downstream dingy, complaining about the status quo, just waiting for something big to land in your lap, or someone else to do something positive.

So what are YOU waiting for?  The first step towards changing your reality is to decide that you are not going to accept the way things are. 
Changing your life is up to YOU; you’re in charge of your own story. 
Changing a community needs a collective group of passionate, pro-active people to step up, speak out, and demand stronger leadership and ethical decision making. Decide that you, as a community are sick of waiting for good things to happen.  Make it happen!

Don’t leave it to one or two representatives to do all the upstream paddling … jump in the boat, grab a paddle, and be the strong support team for those who ARE ready and willing to drive much needed change.

 Choose to live life on the upside … the world has enough downsiders.
Jilinda Lee

Change Champion / Leadership Coach.
[Published in 'THE BRIDGE' Newspaper - 14 May 2015]

Thursday, 26 March 2015


Sharing my local community newspaper column – On the Upside - latest published article here on my BlogSpot ...  as a helpful reminder to my readers to check in on who you choose to surround yourself with. 

Wherever I go, live and work, the purpose of my life is to make a positive difference.

Conversation is a good thing … it means people are thinking about the ‘what if’s’ and starting to explore new possibilities with others.

Excitement was definitely in the warm night breezes last week, on an evening Wetlander cruise I attended with my partner and over 50 other business people. The boat was buzzing with positive energy; lots of ‘imagine this’ discussions and pro-active people who are keen to support a major festival event to showcase the produce, lifestyle, and beautiful river environment we are surrounded by. Let’s hope the visiting delegates caught the positive vibe ... nothing like a local group of enthusiastic, like-minded people who are willing to work together to make things happen.  Yes, it can happen.

Imagine this … everyone in the community is actively and enthusiastically on board with positive, creative ideas, projects and events.  There is real collaboration and clear focus on whole of community benefits; the council, the businesses, the farmers, the community groups, the newspaper, the politicians, the community influencers … everyone working together with a forward thinking approach; driven by the right purpose and intent – to build a vibrant, growing community.  

 A utopia you think? ‘Tell her she’s dreaming’ …I hear someone say. ‘People don’t like change around here’. So, how do we make that happen?

Well, for starters, it would mean:  stop looking back over the shoulder at yesterdays ‘issues’ – establishing a continual focus on today and tomorrow being new days, new opportunities, and new approaches; that means turning that page to start a new chapter.  

Drop the positional posturing on idea ownership, or who tried what yesterday, or who knows who in the local zoo, or who won’t work with whom. It is this kind of emotionally unintelligent BS behaviour that potentially sucks the energy out of great ideas, if you let it.

Ignore the naysayers that simply don’t want change; there will always be some who delight in coming up with a problem for every possible solution  sometimes for no logical reason than they don’t like change [although I bet they don’t drive the same car, wear the same clothes, or even cook their meals the same way they did 30 years ago].

A community’s spirit is made up of a collection of individuals who make their own choices each day – to be negative about stuff [glass half empty], to be open to ideas [glass half full], or to be right in there enthusiastically making it happen [glass full – 50% water, 50% air]. Optimisim is not a disease ... it is a mindful behaviour choice. 

One really great thing I have learned from a life of moving around and exploring different communities, is the value of connecting with the right people.  I read somewhere that you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with, so it’s important to choose carefully. 

Here's some tips worth considering:

  • On a personal coaching note: keep people in your life that truly love you, motivate you, encourage you, inspire you, enhance you and make you happy. If you have people who do none of the above, let them go. 
  • On a broader note: surround yourself with only those who lift you higher; don’t waste your valuable time with people or groups that are not adding to your growth, or the growth and betterment of the type of vibrant, collaborative, connected community you want to live in.
Oh, one final note: While you’re working on that checklist of who to eliminate or perhaps spend significantly less time with … how about looking in the mirror  - checking your own reflection.  Do you do those supportive things for others who choose to spend time with you? 

Maybe it’s time for you to choose to ...

 live life on the upside … the world has enough downsiders.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015


 Written to inspire positive change in small regional communities ...

Something a little different ... I wrote a recent article for a local, small regional community newspaper ... a place where I am currently living and working from. Why here? My partner accepted a work contract here ... simply another chapter for us. 

You see, we've both moved around a bit; lived and worked in various states, cities and small communities.  We embrace change as opportunity for adventure, new experiences, and personal growth.  Yes, that means we often view surrounding things through different lenses than long-term locals.  

My analytical thinking and inquisitive mind feeds an avid need to explore ‘WHY it is so’. I absolutely love that life is full of choices, chances and changes. So, the intent of sharing my thoughts in the 'local rag' is to provide an alternative view, encourage positive thinking, challenge the status quo, and maybe influence a change of approach.  

I'm sharing it here on my BlogSpot ...  as a helpful reminder to my readers to check in on the message YOU portray to others. 

Wherever I go, live and work, the purpose of my life is to make a positive difference.

Do you know the purpose of YOUR life? … Or are you living the life of a robot; shuffling slowly without much thought, mindlessly going about life with the same old routines, doing the same old stuff; days blending into weeks and years slipping by. 

Do you have a ‘woe is me’ … ‘whinge and whine’ … ‘can’t change it’ … ‘that’ll do’, approach to life and your community?

Maybe you ARE passionate and mindful about what you do each day, where you live, and why you choose to live where you do.  Great stuff!  Do your thoughts, words and actions positively showcase your enthusiasm to others? Are you purposely contributing to the growth and positive spirit of your community, or just focused on your own personal goals?

Ok, so I ask a lot of questions … perhaps a tad challenging for some people. I ask with genuine interest to find out WHY? 

For 7 months now I have been reading the stories and columns in my local paper [yes, every word … my partner thinks I’m mad taking so long to read a thin newspaper]. As a Life Coach, I am a strong believer in the impact words, phrases and tone has on influencing the perception of others. I try to read it with several hats on:  a local’s response … a new resident’s thoughts … and a visiting tourist or perspective investor’s impression. Needless to say, I'm often shaking my head with a 'what the ...?' look on my face. 

Now, I’m not saying that community culture is totally reflected in its local newspaper … but, it does provide some of the painted images, good and questionable, that make up one’s overall picture of a place ... especially if you are actively searching for connections or a reason to stay.

Imagine this … a positive and creative community spirit that is immediately, visually evident as one enters the town; a bright, happy, place-making theme that is echoed everywhere … in parks, entrance gardens, street plantings, main streets and business frontages … on information brochures, websites, Facebook pages, event promotions, local newspapers -  everywhere. A branding that the community helps design and proudly owns; that represents the positive things about why you choose to live here, and showcases why others should take a look and consider staying longer. 

A great step for attracting more visitors to stop and check it out.
OK ... so what about those new residents already here, or potential investors sniffing around?

Imagine this … a central business area that is buzzing with vibrant, interesting, uniquely different shops – you know, not just the same old stuff that’s in every town. Café’s that showcase local produce, great coffee, inviting décor, local art works, and welcoming outdoor circle seating to stop, rest and chat to a friendly local.
Aaahh … now I’m interested in leaving my home office for a curious wander.  Exploring just became more interesting …

Imagine this … Anybody and everybody who walks into each shop in your local business area is greeted with positive enthusiasm; with curious interest in who they are; and genuine intent to help make their experience in this community, enjoyable and memorable … for the right reasons … so that they keep coming back, support local businesses, and stay longer.

Imagine this … new residents and potential investors are given welcome packs with details of all businesses and services in the local area, key events, invites to community group meetings, and vouchers to use at local businesses.  Let’s take it up a notch – what if businesses and locals actively collected contact details of new residents to pass onto community leaders, so that key, positive ‘movers and shakers’ in the community contacted them personally to ensure they feel welcome. 

Now that’s how to WOW them; involve them and embrace the skills and potential positive growth they bring to your community. 

On recent travels, I drove through and visited many rural and regional towns ... and it was immediately obvious which ones showcased positive vitality, pride and a welcoming feel ... and which ones were struggling to attract and retain businesses and residents.  Yes, it sure helps if positive culture and attitude is led by enthusiastic, pro-active leaders ... not just 'seat-warmers'.

However, the great thing about vibrant, small communities is that positive change is often driven by small groups of passionate people who have a vision of what it could be … and a purpose to make it happen.  Are you a leader of positive change?  If not, are you actively involved in supporting those in your community who are … regardless of how long they’ve lived there, or where they come from?

Be mindful of the way you communicate with others.  

Choose to live life on the upside … the world has enough downsiders.