Thursday, 26 March 2015


Sharing my local community newspaper column – On the Upside - latest published article here on my BlogSpot ...  as a helpful reminder to my readers to check in on who you choose to surround yourself with. 

Wherever I go, live and work, the purpose of my life is to make a positive difference.

Conversation is a good thing … it means people are thinking about the ‘what if’s’ and starting to explore new possibilities with others.

Excitement was definitely in the warm night breezes last week, on an evening Wetlander cruise I attended with my partner and over 50 other business people. The boat was buzzing with positive energy; lots of ‘imagine this’ discussions and pro-active people who are keen to support a major festival event to showcase the produce, lifestyle, and beautiful river environment we are surrounded by. Let’s hope the visiting delegates caught the positive vibe ... nothing like a local group of enthusiastic, like-minded people who are willing to work together to make things happen.  Yes, it can happen.

Imagine this … everyone in the community is actively and enthusiastically on board with positive, creative ideas, projects and events.  There is real collaboration and clear focus on whole of community benefits; the council, the businesses, the farmers, the community groups, the newspaper, the politicians, the community influencers … everyone working together with a forward thinking approach; driven by the right purpose and intent – to build a vibrant, growing community.  

 A utopia you think? ‘Tell her she’s dreaming’ …I hear someone say. ‘People don’t like change around here’. So, how do we make that happen?

Well, for starters, it would mean:  stop looking back over the shoulder at yesterdays ‘issues’ – establishing a continual focus on today and tomorrow being new days, new opportunities, and new approaches; that means turning that page to start a new chapter.  

Drop the positional posturing on idea ownership, or who tried what yesterday, or who knows who in the local zoo, or who won’t work with whom. It is this kind of emotionally unintelligent BS behaviour that potentially sucks the energy out of great ideas, if you let it.

Ignore the naysayers that simply don’t want change; there will always be some who delight in coming up with a problem for every possible solution  sometimes for no logical reason than they don’t like change [although I bet they don’t drive the same car, wear the same clothes, or even cook their meals the same way they did 30 years ago].

A community’s spirit is made up of a collection of individuals who make their own choices each day – to be negative about stuff [glass half empty], to be open to ideas [glass half full], or to be right in there enthusiastically making it happen [glass full – 50% water, 50% air]. Optimisim is not a disease ... it is a mindful behaviour choice. 

One really great thing I have learned from a life of moving around and exploring different communities, is the value of connecting with the right people.  I read somewhere that you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with, so it’s important to choose carefully. 

Here's some tips worth considering:

  • On a personal coaching note: keep people in your life that truly love you, motivate you, encourage you, inspire you, enhance you and make you happy. If you have people who do none of the above, let them go. 
  • On a broader note: surround yourself with only those who lift you higher; don’t waste your valuable time with people or groups that are not adding to your growth, or the growth and betterment of the type of vibrant, collaborative, connected community you want to live in.
Oh, one final note: While you’re working on that checklist of who to eliminate or perhaps spend significantly less time with … how about looking in the mirror  - checking your own reflection.  Do you do those supportive things for others who choose to spend time with you? 

Maybe it’s time for you to choose to ...

 live life on the upside … the world has enough downsiders.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015


 Written to inspire positive change in small regional communities ...

Something a little different ... I wrote a recent article for a local, small regional community newspaper ... a place where I am currently living and working from. Why here? My partner accepted a work contract here ... simply another chapter for us. 

You see, we've both moved around a bit; lived and worked in various states, cities and small communities.  We embrace change as opportunity for adventure, new experiences, and personal growth.  Yes, that means we often view surrounding things through different lenses than long-term locals.  

My analytical thinking and inquisitive mind feeds an avid need to explore ‘WHY it is so’. I absolutely love that life is full of choices, chances and changes. So, the intent of sharing my thoughts in the 'local rag' is to provide an alternative view, encourage positive thinking, challenge the status quo, and maybe influence a change of approach.  

I'm sharing it here on my BlogSpot ...  as a helpful reminder to my readers to check in on the message YOU portray to others. 

Wherever I go, live and work, the purpose of my life is to make a positive difference.

Do you know the purpose of YOUR life? … Or are you living the life of a robot; shuffling slowly without much thought, mindlessly going about life with the same old routines, doing the same old stuff; days blending into weeks and years slipping by. 

Do you have a ‘woe is me’ … ‘whinge and whine’ … ‘can’t change it’ … ‘that’ll do’, approach to life and your community?

Maybe you ARE passionate and mindful about what you do each day, where you live, and why you choose to live where you do.  Great stuff!  Do your thoughts, words and actions positively showcase your enthusiasm to others? Are you purposely contributing to the growth and positive spirit of your community, or just focused on your own personal goals?

Ok, so I ask a lot of questions … perhaps a tad challenging for some people. I ask with genuine interest to find out WHY? 

For 7 months now I have been reading the stories and columns in my local paper [yes, every word … my partner thinks I’m mad taking so long to read a thin newspaper]. As a Life Coach, I am a strong believer in the impact words, phrases and tone has on influencing the perception of others. I try to read it with several hats on:  a local’s response … a new resident’s thoughts … and a visiting tourist or perspective investor’s impression. Needless to say, I'm often shaking my head with a 'what the ...?' look on my face. 

Now, I’m not saying that community culture is totally reflected in its local newspaper … but, it does provide some of the painted images, good and questionable, that make up one’s overall picture of a place ... especially if you are actively searching for connections or a reason to stay.

Imagine this … a positive and creative community spirit that is immediately, visually evident as one enters the town; a bright, happy, place-making theme that is echoed everywhere … in parks, entrance gardens, street plantings, main streets and business frontages … on information brochures, websites, Facebook pages, event promotions, local newspapers -  everywhere. A branding that the community helps design and proudly owns; that represents the positive things about why you choose to live here, and showcases why others should take a look and consider staying longer. 

A great step for attracting more visitors to stop and check it out.
OK ... so what about those new residents already here, or potential investors sniffing around?

Imagine this … a central business area that is buzzing with vibrant, interesting, uniquely different shops – you know, not just the same old stuff that’s in every town. Café’s that showcase local produce, great coffee, inviting décor, local art works, and welcoming outdoor circle seating to stop, rest and chat to a friendly local.
Aaahh … now I’m interested in leaving my home office for a curious wander.  Exploring just became more interesting …

Imagine this … Anybody and everybody who walks into each shop in your local business area is greeted with positive enthusiasm; with curious interest in who they are; and genuine intent to help make their experience in this community, enjoyable and memorable … for the right reasons … so that they keep coming back, support local businesses, and stay longer.

Imagine this … new residents and potential investors are given welcome packs with details of all businesses and services in the local area, key events, invites to community group meetings, and vouchers to use at local businesses.  Let’s take it up a notch – what if businesses and locals actively collected contact details of new residents to pass onto community leaders, so that key, positive ‘movers and shakers’ in the community contacted them personally to ensure they feel welcome. 

Now that’s how to WOW them; involve them and embrace the skills and potential positive growth they bring to your community. 

On recent travels, I drove through and visited many rural and regional towns ... and it was immediately obvious which ones showcased positive vitality, pride and a welcoming feel ... and which ones were struggling to attract and retain businesses and residents.  Yes, it sure helps if positive culture and attitude is led by enthusiastic, pro-active leaders ... not just 'seat-warmers'.

However, the great thing about vibrant, small communities is that positive change is often driven by small groups of passionate people who have a vision of what it could be … and a purpose to make it happen.  Are you a leader of positive change?  If not, are you actively involved in supporting those in your community who are … regardless of how long they’ve lived there, or where they come from?

Be mindful of the way you communicate with others.  

Choose to live life on the upside … the world has enough downsiders.