Sunday, 14 August 2016

BE different, BE the change ... that's the intention!

I feel the need to start this blog by stating that we deliberately choose to live and work in smaller regional communities.  Each one is different, has unique attributes, and offers the potential opportunities for both my partner and I to make a positive community development impact.

However, some things are the same. There are some people in every community I've lived in who seem to take delight in trying to shut down [or get rid of] positive people, new initiatives, passionate energy for change, or any poppy who is trying to stand up tall to inspire others to take positive action …the ones daring to be different.

What I've learned from years of personal experience is it’s often better to just walk away from these people ... those who find their significance by feeding off negative energy. No matter how positively you respond, some people will keep searching to find further fault and delight in fuelling a conflict … like there’s a freaking reward in it for them!

Walk away … the battle isn’t with you … it is with themselves.

I don't understand their intentions ... they don't understand mine, nor do they care to. That's absolutely OK.  I like who I am, proud of what I do, absolutely clear on why I do it, and deliberate about choosing where I do it.  My purpose is always focused on making a positive difference.

Now, there’s lots of blogs and quoted advice about freeing yourself from negative people … like all you need to do is flick them off, or choose to not hang around with them. Instead, the suggestion is to only spend time with nice people who are smart, driven, and will lift you higher.  You know – surround yourself with like-minded people … because apparently, we become like the 5 people we spend the most time with.

Really? … Nice if you can. Sometimes it’s not as easy as that. Sometimes like-minded people can be few on the ground.

This week, I enjoyed an after-hours chat over a few drinks with a like-minded visiting professional consultant, who, an hour into it, asked me; "how do you fit in with 'the people' here, Jilinda?"  I laughed and answered; "why do I need to? ... how do you inspire and lead positive change, if you are the same as everyone else? … to make a bigger difference, you have to BE the difference ... BE the change you want to inspire in others".

More progress occurs when people dare to be different.

When you are passionate about driving positive change, an active disrupter of mediocre status quo, intentionally showing a different way, suggesting new solutions to stuff that is clearly not working, encouraging others to play a bigger game … you have to be prepared to come up against the nay-sayers; those who are challenged by your message and positive actions.  They will always be there.

Negative people don’t want solutions. They will always try to brick wall them as solutions to problems means they have to work hard to find something else to be negative about.

Retreating back into a box in the corner, or playing smaller to blend in, or allowing negative thinking to dilute your positive outlook, is exactly the impact these people hope to achieve … to disempower or demotivate you.

Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult …
You may be given a cactus, but you don’t have to sit on it.

Sometimes you have to dig deeper into your own resilience bucket, to bravely step up, stand out and speak up, with deliberate intent to change the negative aspects of a situation … by perhaps:

       ~ questioning negative or narrow thinking of ‘the way it’s always been done around here’ … like, ‘how’s that been working out?’

~ suggesting and continually pushing for better, bigger picture solutions – if it’s someone else’s decision to make

pouring more energy into those who are showing interest and willing to try new ways, and reducing the time spent responding to the negative ones

providing factual responses that addresses others incorrect assumptions and sometimes malicious statements 

     ~ just doing it differently and simply BE the change you want to inspire in others.        

    My point is, I really don’t see why I should or would choose to be the same as everyone else … the world has more than enough followers and those wanting to play small. For me, there is no passion, personal growth, or achievement of any 'making a difference' goals in choosing to do that.  

    Like my signature zebra branding, why be black and white - when you can be brightly coloured? Why blend in, when you can stand out?

To lead change, you have to BE different to what’s already out there … that is the intention :)

Monday, 27 June 2016


OMG!  I have just realised that it is almost six months since I wrote a blog!  My last one was a ‘Happy New Year’ post, with a somewhat challenging message to fellow bloggers of my frustration about their use of prescribed, numbered steps on how to have a successful year.

Well … six months ago I may have been ‘a bit over all that prescriptive advice’; today, I’m absolutely REALLY over it!  I don’t want to know how to make the best coffee in 5 easy steps … I have a Nespresso, it does it for me.  I definitely don’t need to know 7 key things to find happiness … or 9 ways to feel satisfied … and I certainly don’t need to read the 7 habits that will make me more assertive!    

Would someone please tell the blog writer advisors out there to stop teaching new bloggers to write in numbered lists?  Please!  No more quick fix tips … as soon as I read numbers in the title, I DON’T open it!  
Ok … I get that it may be a helpful way for war and peace wafflers to become more concise, clear and quirky.  Yes, we are all busy and maybe some readers like fast answers with limited factual evidence, or the rigidity of ticking off prescribed lists to see how they measure up to someone’s alleged expert view on the topic. I’m not saying it’s wrong … just that there’s too much of same quick fix, market grab approach. 

Where’s the authenticity?  Where’s the personal story and wisdom that comes from experience?  Where’s the individual thinker who’s challenging the status quo? Because frankly, the numbers game status has lost its quo.

Now … I love Sheryl Sandberg’s answer to perfectionism – “Done is better than perfect”.  Yes, obviously my blog posts in recent months have neither been done or perfect.  Slap me! I’ve been busy writing workbook material and developing tailored frameworks and tools for my client organisations.

During my busy schedule, I do often think:  “I am so writing a blog on that” … then a little voice inside my head says:  “Does the social media world really need another blog post to scroll past this week?”

Maybe next week? Maybe I'll finish writing that half-done book instead :)

Saturday, 2 January 2016

2016 AWESOMENESS ... takes how many steps?

YAH it’s 2016 we’ve clicked over into a new year and here we go again with New Year resolutions, especially the ‘eat healthier, exercise more, drink less’ type.   You too?  Of course we all want to do that in January … because we did the opposite of that in December and there’s only so much over-indulgence and physical neglect our bodies can take, right?   

So, what about your other 2016 plans and goals? How are you planning to make this year ‘your best year yet’?  Did you write out a list over the holiday period? … Perhaps compile a vision board of all the things you want to achieve? … Been researching options on how to do it from other people’s suggestions? Are you a quick fix junkie?

Well, there’s no shortage of suggestions out there; social media is chockers with them!  At this time of year, there is a massive bombardment of articles, blogs, and webinars on ‘how to have the most awesome 2016.’  It’s like all the budding would-be writers, coaches, mentors and ‘anyone who’s some-one’ has decided to use the holiday break to publish their little piece of ‘how to’ advice to the world … and apparently we are all floundering for a quick fix, numbered check-list solution.  

You know … like how to get there in 3 – 5 – 10 steps, and I even saw several 100 steps versions, for those who want to ‘operate with blistering speed, hyper-accountability, and relentless execution’.  Geez, I wonder how you would feel on day 101? … overwhelmed and exhausted?

In case you haven’t been hit in the face every time you check your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter feeds, here are just a few examples:

While all this may be an interesting read [if you have nothing better to do over the holidays], they can also leave you feeling like it’s impossible be successful, or like you won’t have an awesome year unless you tick off all the steps, or like you will never be able to achieve all that … which can send you down a negative spiral of fearing that you are ‘not good enough’.  Be careful what message you take from these … they are simply someone’s opinion from their experience [at best - hopefully genuine], or just a competing marketing exercise on the number of ‘hits’ they get [at worst].

Yes, I’m a bit over all that in-your-face prescriptive advice; hardly surprising as rigid rules set by someone else has never really been something I’ve subscribed to. So … I’m NOT going to give you my top 5 tips or my 3 key points on how to live your life in 2016.  The last thing you need is another ‘how to’ list.

Instead … I’m sharing with you my ONE BIG LEARNING [OBL] during 2015 … and,
 my ONE BIG TIP [OBT] for you this New Year …. and it is simply this:

OBL:               BE YOU … Be uniquely you, be different from the rest.

Be true to your values, know your self-worth, and embrace your authentic, unique self.
Not everyone will ‘get you’ or like you, but not everyone matters. Connect with those who matter, surround yourself with those who believe what you believe and want to lift you higher. Love and be proud of who you are.

I love the person I have become, because I have fought really damn hard over many years to become ME … to find out WHO I am, WHY I’m here, and create a pathway where I can choose to do more of WHAT I love, and I know WHY I do what I do.

OBT:               FOCUS ON YOUR WHY … Get clear on your purpose.

Trust your gut … Every time I listen and act on my gut feel, I make good decisions and enjoy successful outcomes. Every time I don’t, results are disappointing and I kick myself for not listening to my strong inner voice. Learn to trust your gut feel = ‘feeling what is right’.

Know your why … Become totally self-aware and focused on your WHY - your purpose in life. Identify and understand what inspires you to be who you are and to do what you do. Then put it into words – a sentence or short paragraph that easily roles off your tongue. When you do that, and can clearly articulate your WHY, stuff will either be a good fit for you, or not … decisions about that become so much easier. Being clear on your WHY = ‘knowing what is right’.

Getting clear on your WHY: You won’t find your WHY from focusing on what you want to achieve in the future, or figuring out a strategy [or stepped process] to get there.  Your WHY doesn’t come from looking ahead … it comes from looking within. It’s a process of discovery from personal experience, not an invention … it is born out of your own beliefs and past life experiences.

Start by identifying the things that you are passionate about; what drives you, energises you, floats your boat, and reflect on WHY that is.  Sometimes we get so caught up in all the ‘what we’re meant to’ and ‘how to’ noise, competition and advice, that our own WHY becomes fuzzy. 

I believe there is no greater personal asset than to possess a strong inner strength and belief in your own abilities to make good decisions, driven by a clear sense of purpose; … therefore, my one big tip for your big daring list of 2016 goals is … get clear on your WHY.

Each year is simply another chapter in your life … one year doesn’t have to be better or more awesome than the next … it all forms part of your story and the learnings along the way help to make you who you are … a unique individual with a strong purpose.

I wish that for you, for 2016 and beyond. 

PS:  One more thing … if you are going to read any self-help articles or books, may I suggest you read:  'Start with WHY' … by Simon Sinek.

NOTE: I have paraphrased some of Simon Sineks words in this blog.  WHY?  Because his WHY fits well with my WHY.  More on that in upcoming blogs … 

Happy New Year, 
Be a game changer :)