Female and male thinking and responses naturally differ; … we are actually structured differently in the brain; … AND as our hormones change, so does our brain functionality. Fascinating stuff!
Now, we know that women are generally good at avoiding conflict and reading body language and emotional cues.
Apparently, we honed these skills way back in prehistoric times when we were more vulnerable, with a smaller stature and a greater need to protect ourselves and our infants. In contemporary primate studies, females with stronger social connections have a higher survival rate … and for males, survival depends on physical aggression and competition with other males [you know, the usual 'mine's bigger than yours' posturing]. According to neurological studies, these methods of survival shaped the female brain and its response to stress.
Here’s the thing: … Structurally, the female brain has three areas that are larger than the male brain:
- The pre-frontal cortex [the control centre for emotions];
- The insular [the intuition centre]; and
- The hippocampus [which stores memories with strong emotion such as arguments and romantic encounters]
These differences start to develop just after conception. The male foetal brain encourages growth in the sexual and aggression centres and reduces nerve fibres in the communication, emotion and observation centres. Whereas, in females, oestrogen stimulates nerve fibre growth in communication, emotion and observation centres, including areas responsible for intuition, caring and empathy. This causes several structural brain differences that persist through life.
there it is! … Women have 11 per cent more neurons for language and
hearing than men, and girls speak up to 3 times more words per day than
boys … and speak more rapidly.
Ahhh … so girls … you can tell him it’s normal!
Ahhh … so girls … you can tell him it’s normal!
From birth, girls show more interest in
the emotional expressions of those around them and are better at reading
faces and picking up on human vocal tones. As puberty develops,
hormones hijack the brain … and young adult women are twice as likely to
suffer from stress, anxiety and depression.
Recent functional brain
imaging studies in adolescent girls experiencing adverse emotional
symptoms, showed structural changes in the brain between the frontal
lobe and other areas including the amygdala and hippocampus. Interesting
… so when others say ‘its all in her head’ … it is! It’s a physical; …
structural brain change that impacts on her natural responses.
There is a whole lot of other stuff
written about menstrual cycle peaks, which impacts on our varying levels
of desire for socialisation, sharpness of brain and performance ability
… suffice to say that for some women, the rapid change in brain
functioning linked to hormone fluctuations can be extremely emotionally
Now here’s where I got my biggest ‘Ahhaaa’ moment …
for those of us going through menopause or post menopause … listen
up. As the oestrogen depletes, there is LESS drive to avoid conflict,
to tolerate or maintain [unhealthy] relationships at all costs, and/or
to care entirely for the needs of others … you know, it’s time to stop
putting others first … it’s now YOUR time! Your amygdala is
heightened! Interestingly, women are much more likely to initiate a
divorce after 50 years of age [or post menopause] than a male.
Studies also show that women’s brains
have a heightened response in their amygdala when anticipating pain,
fear or threat; … their brains appearing to be more sensitive to
perceived threats.
Generally women are more wired for reducing conflict,
fostering strong social relationships and caring for others, BUT if
their relationships at work are under threat, if conflict is persistent,
or if they feel ostracised … they may show more aggression, though
often verbally, subtle and relationship based. Whereas, men biologically
lack the sophistication of verbal fluency, and the ability to read
subtle emotional clues, and simply don’t have the capacity for the
emotional memory that women have; … they thrive on competition and are
more likely to respond with aggression.
So lets look more closely at workplace
roles: … Due to their biological makeup, women in general thrive in
workplace positions and projects that fuel their ability to socialise,
connect and form purposeful relationships. Men however, are more likely
to succeed in individual projects or in a competitive environment, which
activates their aggression, motiving their innate drive to succeed.
Now if we put this into practical context: … The LEAN IN global
movement is focused on encouraging more women to lean in to the
decision making tables … to bring about more equal opportunity in the
workplace … to value the skills and abilities women can bring to
leadership positions. I agree with Sheryl Sandberg – Chief Operating Officer of Facebook and author of the book LEAN IN,
in that I too have been questioning for many years why, despite the
progress women have made, men still hold the vast majority of leadership
positions in government, industry and the big end of town. Even worse
than that, the percentages of women in the top jobs has not increased in
the past decade. In fact, if you look at the current Federal and State
government roles in Australia, women’s representation has considerably
Yes sure … men are more competitive and
may more aggressively push their way to get to the corner office … BUT,
once there … are they a boss who struts around posturing positional
power? … are they aggressive and competitively focused on winning at
any cost … or are they a real leader?
You see, from many years of leadership
observation and studies, I know that great leaders are those who build
great relationships … have genuine empathy for others … value purposeful
connections and develop supportive teams. Great leaders have high
levels of Emotional Intelligence [EQ], which starts with being
self-aware of their own emotions and intuitively knowing the
impact their behaviours have on others. They can read the room, pick
up on the subtle undercurrents, and mindfully focus on what matters
to others. Great leaders are driven to inspire and lead others … not
motivated by self importance. Just quietly, in my Leadership Coaching
practice, I also know how hard it is for men to drop their ego and learn
how to do this stuff.
Think about it … given the structure of the female brain and how we are naturally wired for genuine, engaging leadership roles;
… then lets get serious about having real gender equality at
leadership levels … lets acknowledge we feel threatened and annoyed at
having to sit on the sidelines for way too long … and lets heighten our
aggression levels … bring our amygdala to the fore. We should never
feel like we ‘don’t have what it takes’ or ‘not good enough’.
Surely it’s not just middle-age women like me who have been frustrated by this all our working lives, and have lost any tolerance for the status
quo ... who are willing to take a stand on this.
Show your support … Join a LEAN IN circle … contact me if you would like to know more about joining a LEAN IN circle or creating one in your community.
Written by Jilinda Lee … including research by Dr John Cummins - published in HR Monthly - April 2014.
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